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Stylist of the Month
Congratulations to our Stylist of the Month for September, Kat! Kat is a stylist at our Meridian, ID Lady Jane's. We wanted to ask her a few questions about her and her time at Lady Jane’s.
LJ: Favorite part about cutting hair at LJ?
KAT: The boss babes I work with, and the amazing clients I get to connect with everyday.
LJ: Favorite sports team and why?
KAT: UFC. I usually only watch sports with my family and friends, but UFC is my all-time favorite, and it’s the only contact sport that you can’t “play”.
LJ: What type of music do you listen to?
KAT: An interesting mix of LoFi, alternative, rap, and bubblegum pop.
LJ: What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?
KAT: In my free time, I enjoy taking my little out on “Mommy Daughter dates”, as well as hiking, or just being a couch potato watching either anything Disney or The Office.
LJ: Clippers or scissors?
KAT: Clippers. There is nothing like giving a guy a fresh fade with a pair of clippers.
LJ: What’s your favorite LJ product to use?
KAT: My favorite? There are two of them. The Matte Clay from American Crew, or the Black Light Beard Butter from Fresh Beards. If you have a beard and a fresh haircut, there is no better combination.
LJ: 10-second pitch on why LJ is the only place for a guy to get a haircut…
KAT: Any of the boss babes at Lady Jane's takes their time to do a real in depth consultation with our clients, and care more out quality than quantity.
LJ: What is your motto to live by?
KAT: “Everything is Figureoutable”. Meaning that no matter the problem, there is always a solution.
LJ: What made you want to be a cosmetologist?
KAT: When I was a child, I had a fascination cutting hair, styling it, and making my Barbie dolls look amazing. I didn't have the skill I have now, but I had even cut my own hair then too. Ever since then, I had a passion for hair, and love what I do!