Lady Jane's is one of the fastest growing men's hair care companies in the country.
Best place to work for Stylists! Jump start your career by applying today!
Alicia Bunch, COO of Lady Jane's, caught up with a very excited Cassidy to get a good look at the incredible girl who will represent Lady Jane's in 2023:
Position & Locations: Stylist/Manager, Cleveland, TN
AB: When did you discover that you wanted a career in the beauty industry?
CA: I first discovered I wanted a career in this industry because I saw how much confidence it gives people when they have an awesome hairstyle or haircut.
AB: What interested you in being part of Lady Jane's team?
CA: I was drawn to Lady Jane's because of the atmosphere, the sports, and the way we specifically focus on mens hair. I thought that set us apart from other places.
AB: How long have you cut in a LJ salon?
CA: I have been with Lady Jane's for 2 years and counting!
AB: Why do you think you were selected as the LJ Girl for 2023?
CA: I think I was selected to represent Lady Jane's as LJ Girl 2023 because of the hard work and dedication I put into each haircut I do! I really try to represent what being an LJ girl really means!
AB: What has been your most memorable LJ moment?
CA: My most memorable moment in LJ is definitely the Christmas party! It was beautiful and everyone treated each other like family! Really an amazing experience.
AB: How would you define success?
CA: I would define success as, loving what you do every single day, and making money while doing it!
AB: What haircut are you really digging right now for the fellas?
CA: I am really into bald fades and razors shaves at the moment!
AB: Other than your career, what are you passionate about?
CA: I am super passionate about working out and eating healthy.
AB: What are three things you can’t live without?
CA: Three things I can’t live without are my dogs, my family, and my friends.
AB: What’s your motto/advice you live by?
CA: Live everyday, like it’s your last.
AB: Ten years from now, where will you be…
CA: Ten years from now, I could definitely see myself in a corporate position at Lady Jane’s. Definitely a goal I’d love to work towards!