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Alicia Bunch, COO of Lady Jane's, caught up with a very excited Nene to get a good look at the incredible girl who will represent Lady Jane's in 2020:
Position & Locations: Stylist - Rochester, NY
AB: When did you discover that you wanted a career in the beauty industry?
NF: As a little girl, I loved doing hair and makeup and once I got an opportunity to go to cosmetology school, I went for it and the rest is history.
AB: What interested you in being part of the Lady Jane's Team?
NF: I love the atmosphere and all my coworkers. The feeling of never being rushed or pressured.
AB: So, how long have you worked at LJ?
NF: I have been at Lady Jane's for almost 5 years.
AB: Why do you think you were selected as the LJ Girl of the Year?
NF: I think I was selected because of my dedication and hard work towards the clients and company.
AB: In the salon, you’re on your feet and dealing with all kinds of challenges. What is it about LJ that motivates you?
NF: What inspires me is making people happy and even when I have to deal with demanding people all day long, I never forget that putting a smile on one persons face can change their whole day. You never know what a person is going through and all you can do is make them smile and change their day.
AB: What has been your most memorable LJ moment?
NF: I would have to say being named LJ Girl of the Year.
AB: How do you define success?
NF: Success is not just about how much money I make, but the relationships I have built with my clientele that I hope to have forever.
AB: What haircut are you really digging right now for the fella's?
NF: I'm really digging the hard part look right now.
AB: Who do you look up to as a role model?
NF: Megan Markel - Princess of the Royals.
AB: What is your favorite men's styling product right now?
NF: I have a few favorites, but the Matte Separation by BedHead is the one I use the most.
AB: How would your best friend describe you?
NF: Upbeat, positive and caring!
AB: Other than your career, what are you passionate about?
NF: I am passionate about helping people and making a difference amongst my generation.
AB: What’s your motto/advice you live by?
NF: Everything happens for a reason.
I have always liked having nice hair and makeup ever since I was little. As soon as I received the opportunity to go to cosmetology school, I could not help but jump at the chance!
I feel like what has made me successful is my attention to detail. I never let someone out of my chair until i sense perfection. I want them leaving completely satisfied and I also want to feel proud of my work as they walk out the door. Each client leaving my chair is a walking billboard of my work and talent. The best way to build a clientele is word of mouth and referrals. So I put 110% into every single guest.
Family and friends are extremely important to me in both my work life and personal life. It’s important to build that friendship within the store with fellow stylists. It fosters teamwork, respect for one another, communication, and understanding. It’s equally as important in my personal life. Time is the most valuable thing we have and it’s important to spend it doing what you love, surrounded by the people you love. In 2020, I am excited for all the opportunities it will bring. I hope to travel a little more, enjoy new experiences and start new chapters in my life.